I do, I really really do.
Today has been a really hard day. After waking up at 4:30 driving three hours to class, giving a presentation I had a week to prepare in a giant auditorium in which I couldn't refer back to my notes because it was so dark I couldn't see them, I had to go to my research class.
I hate this class. This classes causes me more anxiety than any other class ever has in the history of classes because there is so much black and white information, and math, and numbers, and math. The professor asked us what we wanted to learn about research during the class. I responded, in tears mind you, that I understood virtually nothing and needed to learn everything.
Today has been a hard day.
I am happy to say I am onto my FAVORITE class EVER! And during this class I will be able to do a bit of research processing thru art. Also my research professor kindly offered lots of help and some meetings to work together.
Well here is my doodle of the day. I feel like I need a little magic in my life right now and what's more magical than even David Copperfeild (ha ha) you ask?