Since I graduated from UMW in May I began a graduate program in Art Therapy.
This is very exciting for me.
With this program I will be making a lot of art, and reading a SHIT TON of books, articles, and all that jazz. Sooooo I thought I would re-start my Art Every Day via school stuff. Some of it will be visual journaling, some in class exercises, and then just some miscellaneous stuff.
Sounds good right?
This is something I worked on in my Process and Materials class. It is clay. We were working through sensory art making, so this piece was done with my eyes closed, with no preconceived notion of what it might become.
When I opened my eyes and looked at it I immediately thought of a peony.
My favorite flower.
While I was working with the clay a flower was the last thing on my mind. In fact, my mind was wandering through things that need to be read, clothes that needed to be dropped at the cleaners, toothpaste that needs to be Nope, but it didn't take my mind more than a split second to see a flower.
That seems like a good sign.
Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I proceeded to smash and smush this into a few other shapes before retiring the ball of clay back to the pile.
This was all about the process.