Today's art is less "new" art as it is the final fix on an older piece.
About a year and a half ago I painted a portrait of a granddaughter. A while later I borrowed the portrait to photograph for my portfolio, because somehow I had forgotten to photograph it, or photograph it well.
Anyway, I had the portrait for a few weeks, and during that time it was laying on our guest bed. Well, a visiting dog decided to sleep ON.TOP.OF.IT. I have no idea why; he's never gotten up there before. Lo and behold there were two small holes, from his nails I guess.
After crying, pacing and thinking, I emailed the owner and let her know what happened. I have had it ever since, and it's been a painstaking process, but today I put the finishing touches on it, and it looks as good as new!
If I were a professional, or HAD ANY IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING, it wouldn't have taken as long, but...a bit of procrastination, fear and worry kept me from it for a while, then the process just took time, especially the paint touch up stuff.
A portrait restorer I am NOT.
Some of you may have seen this before...but here is the fixed/finished painting. (oil on canvas 24X36)
What did you make today?